frequently asked questions

  • Yes! Feel free to do so. I’d also love to see them!

  • As long as it’s non-commercial or not-for-profit, I allow it. However, I forbid people from doing the following with my work: 

    1. AI training/learning

    2. Claiming the character/work as your own

    3. Heavily referencing from my work

  • As long as I’m properly credited with the following: 

    Artist: Color-LES

    [link where you found the artwork]

    No, “CTTO” or “Credits to the Owner” is not a proper credit.

  • Please consider supporting me instead by sharing the link where you found the comic. I might agree in some instances, so feel free to contact me about it. If I do not reply within 3 days, that means no. 

  • Sure, but please properly credit me with the following: 

     Artist: Color-LES

    [link where you found the comic]

    However, if the comic is original (not a fanwork), do so at your own risk, as the publication may be licensed under a company.

  • Please email me for this!

About my Works

About the artist

  • Yes, but only written interviews. Feel free to send them to my email!

  • No, sorry.